What is a Merchant Account?
A merchant account is a bank account that enables your business to accept payment by credit card. Credit card payments can only be processed through a merchant account. A merchant account is necessary to be able to accept credit cards. Merchant account providers charge a fee for their services over and above the fees that are charged for the e-commerce hosting package you select with us.
What is a Payment Gateway?
A Payment gateway is like an encrypted channel that passes the transaction securely from your customer's computer to the financial institutions to capture the authorization and approval. It links your buy page (i.e., the page on your web site where your customers enter their credit card information) to the credit card associations and to your merchant account. When the transaction is done, information is sent back through the payment gateway to complete the order and provide you with verification. It is also a key for the secure transfer of funds from your customer's credit card to your merchant account.
What is PCI DDS and how is a merchant PCI Complaint?
PCI DDS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, which is a worldwide information security standard assembled by the major credit card vendors.
Broken down it is basically requiring the following to be PCI Compliant; Build & maintain a secure network, protect cardholder data, maintain a vulnerability management program, implement strong access control measures, reguraly monitor and test networks and maintain information security policy.
Must I have both a merchant account and payment gateway to have an online store?
You will need a merchant account to accept credit cards. However you can do without a payment gateway. If you do not have a real-time gateway, our e-solutions allow you to download your orders manually and process them through your merchant account.
We do recommend you use a Payment Gateway. With a Payment Gateway you are able to utilize the most recent version of X-Cart 4 and allows you to upgrade to future X-Cart versions. You will be PCI Complaint. There is less opportunity for fraudulent activity, keeping you and your clientele safe.
Which payment gateways are compatible with QCommerce products?
X-Cart 4 is compitable with the following:
PayPal Choices (USA & Canada):
PayPal Standard
PayPal Payment Advanced
PayPal Express Checkout
PayFlow - Link
Alternative Choices
Available in the USA & Canada
CyberSource - CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile
First Data Global Gateway - Connect 2.0
NetBanx (USA & Canada)
Avialable in the USA Only
AuthorizeNet - AIM
AuthorizeNet - SIM
GoEmerchant, LLC - EZ Payment Gateway Standard Form
PlugnPay - Smart Screen method
Available in Canada Only
Elavon, Inc. - InternetSecure (Canada Only)
PSiGate - Web Based (Canada Only)
If you are looking into using another cart we will need to verify what is compatible with that cart.